Showing posts with label wind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wind. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A tiny snowfall

In October here in Finland came the first snow. In the pictures you can see what it was like at my grandparents garden. 

Now it's December the 25th but there is no any snow. It has been a horrible weather already many weeks: lots of storms and rain. We shall hope the weather will be better and that it would come a real winter.


Thursday, May 23, 2013

The first walk outdoors

Here is our Windy on the first walk outdoors. Going throught the lift was the first step. And, you can imagine how scared she was. She was like shaking in my hands and when I put her on the ground she didn't move at all. Well, after a few minutes I grabbed her into my arms and carried her to the playground, where one can find some green grass with exiting bugs to catch. :D It didn't really help very much but she did take the first steps. Then I broth her inside to the safetynes.