Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas has come to the town

Christmas is absolutely my favorite celebration durin the year. I love to decorate home for the Christmas and take a seet on my bed. It's one of the best things to listen to the Christamas radio, be surrounded by beautiful decorating pillows and watch the candels burn. I've done this so many times this year! (: 


A tiny snowfall

In October here in Finland came the first snow. In the pictures you can see what it was like at my grandparents garden. 

Now it's December the 25th but there is no any snow. It has been a horrible weather already many weeks: lots of storms and rain. We shall hope the weather will be better and that it would come a real winter.


Friday, November 15, 2013

Huge as a mountain but small as a mouse

I was with my school mate in Turku and we visited the place where I was working. I had to bring a paper to fill.. We went also shopping. Even we did hard work to go there I bought only two pencils. After that we decided to walk to the Dome Church of Turku that is right next to the river Aura. We were really amazed how big it is. I felt like a little mouse standing next to it. Then we went to the bus stop but we decided to go to see a small restaurant, because we should have had to wait for the bus too long time, we were freezing. We actually didn't go inside but we found such fireplaces that were really modern, and the best thing, it was warming. You know, we both put our hands on it and how lovely the feeling is when you get some warm air straight onto your freezing hands. 

The photos are taken from Vartiovuori Park in Turku. It's pretty long time from that and the nature doesn't look like that anymore.. But we shall at least enjoy the lovely colours and feeling of the photos.


Waiting for the winter. Philosophic thinking

Long time no seen. One evening I was thinking what my head keeps inside. This time I got a great inspiration about creating an other blog where I could share my thoughts about a thing that really makes my life. I was so exited and I made a serious promise. When I'm older and more wise I will create the new blog.  

I'm usually thinking too much, too often and too seriously. I am really stupid when I remind my self about my weaknesses and about things that I wouldn't want to remember. I usually get really bad feeling after those moments, but I still keep doing that... Well, fortunately I've started to do that less often.

As you may have noticed, I do spend pretty much time by thinking. In the early evening I understood that I would love to be some kind of a philosopher, it would suit perfectly with my personality.

Photos from Google search.

Friday, October 11, 2013

What continues?

Autumn continues... These photos are a bit more consentrated in details of threes "not the leaves."

 When we finally got to the small shore the sun was almost too low but in a other way the landscape was gorgeous, as you can see.


Gorgeous autumn

Autumn is here and there's beautiful, bright colours in forest. 
One evening I went with my father for a walk into the nearest woods. The main purpose was to go to photograph, at least once in a year in autumn. It was amazing, how beautiful colours can it be in the world.

During we were walking along the road, there was a huge amount of birds flying far away. They came closer and closer, untill they were rigt above us. And then the sky was full of those birds. You can not imagine how cool it was. The birds made the same round again and again.

I was a bit late and the leaves had already started to fall, but I still got lots of photos and here are some of them.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Building charm

I have had a plan to go to Naantali highschool after secondary school. I live pretty far away from Naantali so I'm not sure about that. Because I'm very interested of the highschool in Naantali and its architecture, I have to get to see the property closer. Below you can see photos of the building. As you can see, it is pretty new school and it's very modern.

Here below are some beautiful houses witch I saw while walking.

Photos taken by Andrea (me).