Showing posts with label photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photos. Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2013

Huge as a mountain but small as a mouse

I was with my school mate in Turku and we visited the place where I was working. I had to bring a paper to fill.. We went also shopping. Even we did hard work to go there I bought only two pencils. After that we decided to walk to the Dome Church of Turku that is right next to the river Aura. We were really amazed how big it is. I felt like a little mouse standing next to it. Then we went to the bus stop but we decided to go to see a small restaurant, because we should have had to wait for the bus too long time, we were freezing. We actually didn't go inside but we found such fireplaces that were really modern, and the best thing, it was warming. You know, we both put our hands on it and how lovely the feeling is when you get some warm air straight onto your freezing hands. 

The photos are taken from Vartiovuori Park in Turku. It's pretty long time from that and the nature doesn't look like that anymore.. But we shall at least enjoy the lovely colours and feeling of the photos.


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Carl Dahlstedt

Hello! I was yesterday in the large mountain biking event called MTB Green Race. I rode about 15km in the forests. It was quite hard for me but I made it to the finish line. It was organiced very well and there didn't happen any bad accidents.

Well, let's get to main thing. Here below is some photos which are from Carl Dahlstedt's albums. In my opinion you can get a lot's of different inspirations and wow experinces' from this photos.

 Enjoy your selves and have a good day!

Photos from Desire to inspire , Carl Dahlstedt

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The dark night sky and the bright moon

Here is the first photos of moon that succeed in my opinion. 
After I got my tripod for camera I've been looking for clear skies and a bright moon.
 23rd of July's evening I had a perfekt one right under my eyes.I was so exited when I finally had a chance to try the new tripod and see does it make the circumstanses enought good to photograph the moon. 
Definitely it does.

The photos I took by my self.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Basin beauty 2

All these basin photos are searched from google. Durin I was watching different kind of options I was surprised by the apundance. Check the photos below and tell me what's your favourite one. If you are more than a bit interested I recommend you to search for different kind of design basins by yourself.

Have a nice day!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Waterdrops in the sight

A few mornings ago I went outside just after rain had stopped with our camera. I wanted to try to take a good picture of the yellow flower and water drops on it. Unfortunately I didn't get a perfect one. The flower was always too bright in the picture and water drops were seen only on the green part. Well, I didn't get a photo that I was looking for but I'm still glad of all those ones which I did get.

I took all the photos by myself.

Photographing details

One beautiful day I decided to take pictures of flowers on my granma's garden. I'm learning a little by little how to photograph small and detailed objects and I'm training almost all the time. I have a goal on photographing and it is to get pictures that satisfies me.

I took the photos myself.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The new look

Yey! Finally I found time and interest to make a new template for summertime. Now as you can say, it tells us better that right now it is summer here in Europe. The previous collage was from 1980's, well not exatly. :D It was from the christmas and winter season.
I really hope you like the new look and even you don't, please leave a comment down below.
Have a very lovely day! :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Birds are singing, the wind is blowing and the sun is shining

Yesterday was a super sunny and beautiful day. My schoolday was short and it was pretty warm outside.
We went with my mom for the fourth walk outdoors with Windy (our cat). This time she was almost normal there. :D She saw a squirrel, very closeby. And she saw also a small white dog who really wanted to play with Windy, but she was going quickly away from the dog. Now I saw by my one eyes that many cats are scared of dogs, but not all ofcourse.
          Well, lets go to real point of this post: I went also by myself to take pictures from the beautiful spring nature. There below is some of the photos I took. I have to say that there isn't all of them. I just can't take a few photos, I alwas have to take hudreds of them. :D

The flowers of a apple tree. Soo beautiful, white and bright.

All these photos has taken Andrea (me).
Collages are made by using Picmonkey, photo editor.