Showing posts with label camera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label camera. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The dark night sky and the bright moon

Here is the first photos of moon that succeed in my opinion. 
After I got my tripod for camera I've been looking for clear skies and a bright moon.
 23rd of July's evening I had a perfekt one right under my eyes.I was so exited when I finally had a chance to try the new tripod and see does it make the circumstanses enought good to photograph the moon. 
Definitely it does.

The photos I took by my self.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Every night different kind

Hello! During the few past evenings I paid attention on the beautiful sunset. After we moved to the new flat we have had a completely different kind of view. Now it's very large one and it seems it never ends. I have taken photos at least three evenings from our balcony. And here is the results:

Photos has taken Andrea (me!)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Birds are singing, the wind is blowing and the sun is shining

Yesterday was a super sunny and beautiful day. My schoolday was short and it was pretty warm outside.
We went with my mom for the fourth walk outdoors with Windy (our cat). This time she was almost normal there. :D She saw a squirrel, very closeby. And she saw also a small white dog who really wanted to play with Windy, but she was going quickly away from the dog. Now I saw by my one eyes that many cats are scared of dogs, but not all ofcourse.
          Well, lets go to real point of this post: I went also by myself to take pictures from the beautiful spring nature. There below is some of the photos I took. I have to say that there isn't all of them. I just can't take a few photos, I alwas have to take hudreds of them. :D

The flowers of a apple tree. Soo beautiful, white and bright.

All these photos has taken Andrea (me).
Collages are made by using Picmonkey, photo editor.