Sunday, February 3, 2013

Playing with options

I became exited to try different options in camera and here's the results. A carpet, yes I know it's just a carpet on the floor and I, became exited about it!? Hahah, now seriously. I got pretty interesting photos, I think that all the colours are emphasizing beautifully and it seems somehow artistic to me. Please enjoy :)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Beautiful french family home

Here's some pictures of the french family home.
The interior design is so beautiful and personal, here in Finland it is almost impossible to find something like that in these days. Gladly we have got photos which brings lightness and education about different cultures.
Guess from were I found these photos, Desire to inspire, what a big surprise! ;D

Sunday, January 27, 2013

New room, new plans

Hello for very very long time! 
I began again to blog my stories here and for this time I want to show you my new, absolutely wonderful, lovely, beautiful and awesome room.  Two walls are like blue ink and two other are like  blue teak, as in the first photo. I like so many different decoration style but there is one thing how some piece of furniture makes it way to my heart. I love old stuff! Used but in a good condition furniture and lamps makes a warm feeling in  home.  I love also about 60's 70's desing. In those days desingers were famous for the forms they designed and I like this old desing exactly for the versatile and interesting forms.
By the way, I actually have just two old thing there in my room, but I think it's enough.
I am going to but more photos of my room later. I hope you enjoy! 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

A huge amount of snow...

 This is that what I meant in the previous post, there's a lot of snow outside and I love it! (:
Photos I took when I was with my dad hiking today afternoon, it was so peaceful to walk there in the nature.
And the landscape, so beautiful!  
Best wishes!

The first snowfall...

 This photos are taken yesterday (26.10.2012) after the first snowfall, imagine me, jumping all around my home! Just thinking, that for example last year, the first snow fall came about on December and it has melted almost immediately. This year it came yesterday and you'll see how much there is snow today in the next post. (: 

Have a good day! Bye bye!