Saturday, July 13, 2013

Photographing details

One beautiful day I decided to take pictures of flowers on my granma's garden. I'm learning a little by little how to photograph small and detailed objects and I'm training almost all the time. I have a goal on photographing and it is to get pictures that satisfies me.

I took the photos myself.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Summerish yellows and foods

Hello, here's beautiful photos from the Ikea blog. I love the freshness and sutch a summer feel in them.

 In the last photo I love so much the colours; soft yellow and the beutiful brown decorating pieces. The carpet is absolutely gorgeous!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The new look

Yey! Finally I found time and interest to make a new template for summertime. Now as you can say, it tells us better that right now it is summer here in Europe. The previous collage was from 1980's, well not exatly. :D It was from the christmas and winter season.
I really hope you like the new look and even you don't, please leave a comment down below.
Have a very lovely day! :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Matt Clayton 1

Here is some photoes from beautiful London homes. Photos has taken Matt Clayton, a photographer from London. The photo below has some kind of warm and a bit dramatic look, but not too much. The colour of the walls is something I really like. 
 This room is very brigth and fresh to me. I love that small lamp with light blue and white strips.

 This photo has something I love very much. I love the stairs, the yellow storage table and everything. The architecture is just so amazing. There is two things I actually don't like: the posters on the wall...
Have a good day!

Desire to inspire
Matt Clayton

Friday, June 7, 2013