Showing posts with label sunset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunset. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Beautiful Swan

On the previous post I told about the weekend trip to Naantali. We saw a pond with beautiful Swans. Here in Finland you can see Swans pretty rarely. So, when you see one, you have to photograph it. (:

Have a nice evening. 

Photos taken by
Andrea (me)

Sailing the seas

We celebratet my mother by staying overnight in Naantali Spa during the weekend. I was really surprised when I saw an advertisement about The cheerful British weeks. I had no any idea about the theme weeks before.

The British week- theme meant things like, Premier legue football, Fish 'n' chips and British music.

In the evening we went with my mom and dad for a small walk. During that I took lots of pictures from birds and seaviews. I saw many interesting houses and the sunset was gorgeous. In my opinion, Naantali is a perfect place to photograph. After the small walk I felt like we were sailing the seas even we didn't.

Photos taken by
Andrea (me)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The cycling trip 3

Here is photos from the small beach in Velkua and from the beautiful sunset in the evening.

The cycling trip 2

I told on the last post about how gorgeous the place was where we stayed ower night on the trip to Velkua. Here is some photos of the place. It is designed by an architect. It was very modern and bright. The best thing was the view. There was super big windows and from them you could see the beautiful sea. In the evening the sunset was seen from the windows. 

I couldn't wish a better place to stay ower night during a cycling trip!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Every night different kind

Hello! During the few past evenings I paid attention on the beautiful sunset. After we moved to the new flat we have had a completely different kind of view. Now it's very large one and it seems it never ends. I have taken photos at least three evenings from our balcony. And here is the results:

Photos has taken Andrea (me!)